Extract Text from PDF Image Through OCR

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4 minutes read

PDFs are one of the most common formats to share business documents like contracts, invoices, presentations, and reports. To convert unstructured text within PDF documents into usable format for analysis, and processing, you need to extract text from PDF.

Here’s the step-by-step guide to extract text from PDF documents. These 3 free methods to extract text from PDF will help you to extract text, paste it, edit it, share it and use it wherever required.

Method 1: Copy and Paste Text from PDFs [Manual Method]

This method is used to extract text from PDF using copy and paste functionality [Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V or Command+C & Command+V on Mac]. Nearly everyone uses this method on a day-to-day basis.

Step 1: Open the PDF

Use prominent PDF readers such as Adobe Acrobat to open your PDF

Step 2: Drag mouse cursor & select text

Move the mouse cursor to the text you desire to extract. Drag it and select the text.

Step 3: Copy the selected text

  • Right click on selected text and select COPY (if you use mouse).
  • Select text and use keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C on Windows or Command+C on Mac (if you use keyboard).
  • Tap with 2 fingers on selected text and choose COPY option (if you use touchpad instead of mouse)

Step 4: Open the application

Go to the word document, google document or any application wherever you wish to paste the text.

Step 5: Paste the text

  • Right click on selected text and select PASTE (if you use mouse).
  • Select text and use keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V on Windows or Command+V on Mac (if you use keyboard).
  • Tap with 2 fingers on selected text and choose PASTE option (if you use touchpad instead of mouse)

Note: You can’t use the copy and paste text method, if your PDF contains images or scanned copies. It can’t be used if you have to extract a large amount of text.

Method 2: Use PDF-to-Text Converter Tools

Use PDF-to-text converter tools, to extract text from PDF when:

  • PDF contains images and scanned copies
  • PDF has more than 2-3 paragraphs of text
  • Text extraction requires more accuracy without any errors
  • Time required for text extraction should be less

PDF-to-text converter tools use OCR along with some advanced features to extract text from PDF documents in the most reliable, accurate and efficient way.

How to Extract Text from PDF using PDF-to-Text Converters

Many free web-based online tools, software, and apps are available, which can help you in extracting text from PDF documents. These tools are click away, if you just search for “extract text from PDF”. Here’s the step-by-step guide to use PDF-to-Text converters:

Step 1: Open any free online PDF-to-text converter tool

Step 2: Upload your PDF document

Step 3: Click on “Convert to Text”

Step 4: Click “Download” to get the text file

Pros and Cons of PDF-to-Text Converters

Pros of PDF-to-Text ConverterCons of PDF-to-Text Converter
(Convert PDFs to Text in seconds)
Limited(File size and page restrictions)
Free(Text extraction features are 100% free)Privacy Risk(Potential data security risks)
Accessible(Use from any device, anywhere)Bad Quality(Formatting and accuracy issues)
Simple(No technical knowledge needed)Cluttered(Headers & paragraphs merge together)

Here are a few free and paid pdf-to-text extraction tools to check out:

  • KlearStack
  • Adobe Acrobat Pro
  • SmallPDF
  • PDF Candy
  • Nitro PDF
  • PDF2Go
  • PDFelement

Method 3: Use AI to Extract Text from PDF

AI-based OCR software should be used when you have to extract text from complex PDFs or need to process hundreds of PDF documents at scale. Complex PDFs include tables, forms, images, irregular formatting, different languages, etc.

These AI text extraction tools use a combination of OCR, AI, ML, CV, RPA, text and pattern recognition, and other technologies to extract accurate data from PDFs.

When to Choose AI-based OCR Extraction Tool

You’ll benefit the most from AI tools when you have:

If you wish to adopt an automated text extraction solution then consider KlearStack. KlearStack is an AI-based OCR data extraction and document auditing tool trusted by leading banking institutions

KlearStack stands out among all the AI-based OCR solution because it has several top features:

  1. Day-Zero accuracy
  2. 99% Accuracy for complex PDFs
  3. Template-less text extraction
  4. Understands context and meaning of the text
  5. ISO 27001 and SOC 2 compliance
  6. Robust automation
  7. Seamless integration
  8. 80% cost reduction
  9. 500% boost in operational efficiency
  10. Pay-as-you-go pricing
  11. Exceptional customer support

Choosing the Right Method for Text Extraction from PDF

Choosing the right method to extract data from PDF images is crucial depending on your use case. Here’s the exact guide to pick your text extraction method from PDF:

FactorsDocument TypeText Extraction Method
PDF ComplexitySimple Text DocumentCopy-Paste
Scanned DocumentPDF-to-Text Converters
Complex LayoutsAI-based OCR tool
Document Volume1-2 PDF documentsCopy-Paste
2-10 PDF documentsPDF-to-Text Converters
10+ PDF documentsAI-based OCR tool
Accuracy RequirementsBasic and personal needsCopy-Paste
Business useAI-based OCR tool
Critical and Secure dataAI-based OCR tool
Time ConstraintsNo rushCopy-Paste
Same dayPDF-to-Text Converters
Immediate ResultsAI-based OCR tool


In conclusion, extracting text from PDFs is not complicated if you choose the right methods among the copy-paste, PDF-to-text converter, and AI-based OCR. Test the method that matches your requirements and then scale up only when it is needed.
While you have different options to extract text from a PDF, AI offers the highest precision. Whereas, KlearStack’s AI-powered tool is the best choice for businesses who want to extract text from your PDF files with accuracy, reliability, security and efficiency.

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Farida MAB

Farida MAB

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