Does Intelligent Document Processing Mean Uprooting OCR-based Document Scanning?

[vc_row pix_particles_check=””][vc_column][vc_column_text] IDP (Intelligent Document Processing) and OCR (Optical Character Recognition) are two connected terms, carrying different meaning and purpose of existence. With industry leaders capitalizing on latest technologies like IDP, there’s a common point of debate floating around in the industry – Will IDP uproot OCR-based document scanning? Or let’s put it across the other […]

Why Data Extraction Using Traditional OCR Technology May Be Slowing Down Your Business

[vc_row pix_particles_check=””][vc_column][vc_column_text] If your internal business operations are nonetheless stuck at traditional Adobe to Excel conversion, your business seriously needs a boost. You do have an OCR software installed at your premises for data extraction and processing, but manual verification, interpretation and rectification of the extracted data are still parts of your document processing task. Traditional OCR […]

Cost-effective Ways to Convert Invoice to Excel

[vc_row pix_particles_check=””][vc_column][vc_column_text] Every organization has a set of structured and unstructured data stacked up somewhere or the other. Out of the unstructured documents, vendor invoices form a non-trivial part. With the advent of digitalization, paper-based invoices are now replaced by digital counterparts. But, the number of PDF invoices piling up on the AP (accounts payable) […]

How AI-driven OCR solutions trump traditional OCR for improving business efficiency!

[vc_row pix_particles_check=””][vc_column][vc_column_text] Artificial Intelligence (AI) has already transformed our everyday lives with its contextual data processing characteristics and adaptability. Google’s predictive search, Siri, or Alexa are alien to none. However, businesses are one step ahead in leveraging the pool of opportunities brought by AI. The technology has entirely evolved the business scenario by streamlining the […]

How is the Accuracy Rate of an OCR Scanner Measured?

[vc_row pix_particles_check=””][vc_column][vc_column_text] Every organization wants accurate data to run its operations smoothly. Thus, we need to obtain data in an editable and structured format, but data entry without smart technology is a dead end. Time and manual efforts required for the task only make the process slower and inaccurate. The most popular technology for data […]

How Can I Improve My OCR Accuracy Rate?

[vc_row pix_particles_check=””][vc_column][vc_column_text] Intelligent Data Capture: How Accurate is it? With more and more organizations looking to automate their business processes, especially tasks like data entry, there is a widespread need for an intelligent platform that can help scan and convert text from physical documents into digitally accessible version. Optical Character Recognition is a technology that […]

What is Optical Character Recognition and How Does AI Make it Better?

[vc_row pix_particles_check=””][vc_column][vc_column_text] Document Scanning Reaches New Heights with Optical Character Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Optical Character Recognition or OCR is the technology used for recognizing text from printed or handwritten documents and converting them into digital format. In other words, it is a software that extracts data from scanned or photographed versions of physical documents and […]

OCR vs. Scanning – How are OCR Document Scanners Better?

[vc_row pix_particles_check=””][vc_column][vc_column_text] Say no to Paperwork by Saying Yes to Intelligent Scanning with OCR What do people do when a physical document needs to be digitized? Scan it, of course! But scanning using standard equipment has its limitations. You can scan a document and convert it into an image or doc file, but you can’t […]

Top 5 Advantages of Automated Invoice Processing with OCR

[vc_row pix_particles_check=””][vc_column][vc_column_text] Every growing business has an accounts payable team; a team that knows all too well, how time-consuming and tedious invoice processing can get when done manually. According to Sterling Commerce, it costs about $30 per invoice to process manually, with the added risk of multiple errors. Not to mention the need for extra storage […]

Invoice Automation OCR Software: Here’s Everything You Need to Know

[vc_row pix_particles_check=””][vc_column][vc_column_text] When you think about automation for your accounts payable functions, you Intuitively might think of cognitive technology in AP software systems that can eliminate manual work altogether. And paving the way for Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) to become a reality, is a supporting technology called OCR. OCR or Optical Character Recognition, is a software that […]

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